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DAYTIME HIKE: Davisville to Rosedale - 10 km (9/22/2020)

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page.

You are STRONGLY encouraged to read this page in its entirety before signing up. If you'd like to attend, we ask that you abide by our rules and procedures as a time/cost saving process (with an end result of keeping membership free and lower cost events).

The Basics:
Event Type:Urban Hike
Event Location: Davisville Station
Date(s) & Time:Tue, Sep 22 2020  10:00 AM
Registration Cut Off: Mon, Sep 21 2020 6:00:00 PM
Event Duration:about two hours
Difficulty Rating:D3: Moderate
Event Coordinator(s): dale
You must be logged in to get the Event Coordinator contact information.
Member Cost:Voluntary Donation Only (See Below)

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 18 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:10
Minimum Group Size:3
Number Registered So Far: 9 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: No


You must read and follow these instructions in order to get on the list for this event

Directive From The TOC Executive

Interim COVID-19 Rules for the Toronto Outdoor Club

  • You must meet the following four conditions to participate in any TOC events.
    Within the 14 days preceding the event:
    1. You have not travelled outside of Ontario;
    2. You don’t have any COVID-19, cold, or flu symptoms;
    3. You have not knowingly been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case;
    4. You have taken and passed the Ontario COVID-19 self-assessment on-line questionnaire.
  • You will bring a cloth mask/face covering, which you will wear during the event meet-up, plus any time during the event when the 2m social distancing is not possible.
  • You will comply with any other rules as detailed on the TOC Rules Amendments
  • You will comply with any additional rules set by the organizer of the event for which you have registered, which could be more strict than the ones detailed above.


  • These rules are in effect immediately and until further notice.
    Your event coordinator has been instructed to remove your event registration without further notice if you do not take this step during your registration.
  • Your coordinator may also remove you from the event (even after it has started) if you fail to comply with the rules, and report you back to the TOC Executive.
  • If you cannot or do not wish to follow these temporary rules, please wait to sign up for any TOC events until the interim rules are lifted.

Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation as we keep each other safe during the pandemic.

DISTANCE: about 10 km

PACE: 5-5.5 km/h

This is a brisk urban hike through the Beltline, Cedarvale Ravine, Nordheimer Ravine, Rathnelly, and Ramsden Park. We will end at the Rosedale subway station.
There will be a washroom break at St. Clair West.

Required Items to Bring:
  • Good footwear
  • Weather appropriate clothing
  • OHIP card
  • cell phone
  • water
  • Recommended Items to Bring:
    Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.
  • first aid kit
  • snacks
  • sun glasses + sunblock

  • How to Get There:
    Event Directions:

    We'll meet outside the Davisville subway station.


    This hike will go forth in any weather
    If you want to cancel due to bad weather, you must decide and remove yourself before the registration cut off.
    Look near the top of this page for the reg cut off date and time.
    Please be considerate of other members and the event coordinator.
    Please don't cancel at the last minute

    Please arrive before the start time, we will start promptly at the start time.

    - We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines at all times while participating in TOC events.
    - Details of this event are subject to undergo a change at any point in time, with or without warning.
    - Questions about equipment or rentals? Send them to
    - Notice any errors or problems in the information on this page? Please notify our Content Editor(s), Stacy, at

    Voluntary Donation:What is this?)
    Suggested donation amount for this event is: $2.00/Person.

    Cancellation/Partial Attendance:
    Please review our Cancellation Policy carefully!