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Snowshoe Outing to the Scenic Caves (2/18/2012)

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page.You will then make your payment for this event at the venue, NOT in advance to the TOC.

You are STRONGLY encouraged to read this page in its entirety before signing up. If you'd like to attend, we ask that you abide by our rules and procedures as a time/cost saving process (with an end result of keeping membership free and lower cost events).

The Basics:
Event Type:Snow Shoe
Event Location: Scenic Caves in Blue Mountains
Date(s) & Time:Sat, Feb 18 2012  7:00 AM  (Carpool Departure: 7:15 AM   *log in for location*)
Registration Cut Off: Wed, Feb 15 2012 11:00:00 AM
Event Duration:7-8 hrs (incl driving time)
Difficulty Rating:D4: Moderate to Difficult
Event Coordinator(s): Galina S
You must be logged in to get the Event Coordinator contact information.
Member Cost:$18.50/Person (See Detailed Cost Info Below)

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 18 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:4
Minimum Group Size:2
Number Registered So Far: 3 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: No


Please read the entire posting before signing up so that you're aware of the requirements

The Scenic Caves Nordic Centre in the Blue Mountains has approximately 7 km of snowshoe trails that I've been meaning to try for quite a while. I've not been here before, so to start the first long weekend of 2012, this will be a bit of an adventure for me.

Majority of trails are rated as moderately difficult and there is a 1 km Ironman loop that's rated as "expert". This means that to attend this event, you must have prior snowshoe experience as my plan is to snowshoe on ALL the trails. Please explain your level of experience in comments section when you sign up.

Because of the 2hr drive we will have an early start to the day. My plan is to arrive shortly after the centre opens at 9 am and have a nice leisurely snowshoe on all of the trails while enjoying the winter scenery, including the walk across the suspension bridge. Yes, of course I'll bring my you had to ask!:). If time permits we may re-do some of the loops. We will snowshoe AS A GROUP, which means, we'll go at the pace of the slowest person in the group. Finally we will have a quick lunch and then begin our trip back home no later than 2 PM as I need to be back at Downsview no later that 4 PM.

NOTE: We WILL NOT be doing any skiing here this time.

The trail pass costs $18.50 and snowshoe rentals (if required) are $15.50. Please indicate in the comments section if you plan to rent the snowshoes, just so I know.

I will increase the size of the group based on driver availability. Folks who are willing to drive will be given a priority for the attendee list.

Cancellations within 24 hours without super good reason will result in a 'no show'.

Required Items to Bring:
  • snowshoes (or $ to rent them)
  • appropriate footwear for the snowshoes.. eg hiking boots
  • hat, mitts and appropriate clothing for the weather
  • change of clothes and shoes for the trip home in case you get wet.
  • money for trail pass, carpool and any personal purchases
  • snacks and water on the trail
  • lunch (or $ to purchase but check the website, as their food selection does not sound extensive)
  • Recommended Items to Bring:
    Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.
  • camera
  • sunglasses/sunscreen if required

  • How to Get There:
    Event Directions:will be provided to the drivers at carpool
    Carpool to Event Distance (round trip):300Km
    Carpool Departure Time: 7:15 AM
    Carpool Location:   Log in for location
    Carpool Directions:   Log in for directions
    Carpool Cost: Approximate vehicle expense for this event is $77.40 (calculated at total Km * $0.258, effective Wednesday, January 29, 2025). This is based on $0.08/Km for maintenance, plus current gas price divide by 9. Your event coordinator will confirm exactly how much money is required from each person.


    - We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines at all times while participating in TOC events.
    - Details of this event are subject to undergo a change at any point in time, with or without warning.
    - Questions about equipment or rentals? Send them to
    - Notice any errors or problems in the information on this page? Please notify our Content Editor(s), Stacy, at

    Cost & Payment:
    Member Cost:$18.50/Person
    Cost Includes:Cost includes trail pass only. Snowshoe rental, carpool expenses and any other personal purchases are extra.
    Make a Payment:Although there is a cost for this event, you do not pay through the TOC. Please review the event details carefully for information about how/where to make your payment.
    Voluntary Donation:What is this?)
    Suggested donation amount for this event is: $2.00/Person.

    Cancellation/Partial Attendance:
    Please review our Cancellation Policy carefully!
    *Note: This event may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather.