Fri, Dec 4 2009, Sat, Dec 5 2009, Sun, Dec 6 2009 - Backpack Winter Camping: Bruce Peninsula National Park (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Gary Ataman
Participants:Gary Ataman, Susan I, Steve A, Francois, Oakvillian, Tamara, César, Tye-Q, Ashraf, Stacy, Joe, Mark M, Stanley

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Write Up:

We met at Downsview with our fully loaded backpacks and winter clothes, slightly over dresses for the Toronto conditions. It was hard to get into the winter camping mode with no snow in Toronto. After about 2 hours on the road we where hit with snow squalls all the way up the Bruce Peninsula. It was down to 50km/hr in spots and clear in other sections of the road.

We rolled into the park at about 2pm and had a few hours to set up our campsite. The park had a dusting of snow cover, to put us all into the winter camping mode. It was about -2C, just right.

For our first night we were camping at site #240-241 in the campground. This is considered front country camping. However there was nobody else in the whole camp ground except a few workers, who exited before it got dark. We quickly set up a few tents and our fire pit.

A few of the guys set up a shelter arrangement (going Survivorman!) “Survivorman 3”. After supper, most of us when for a nice night hike around the camp ground and back by the lake front trails. The snow and wind was off and on for most of the early evening and some of the night. Back at camp we settled into a nice campfire group get to know you chat. It was about -5C over night.

Most people seemed to survive the night ok. Some had to make changes to their sleeping systems for the following evening (less cloths, more clothes, dry socks, longer pad, spooning, I want to be in the middle, etc.).

Saturday was our big day. The plan was to cover 8km and end up at Stormhaven (back country camp). We loaded up and headed around Cyprus Lake. There were a few people that were fine tuning there icers and backpacks in the first hour or so. By the time we arrived at Boulder Beach, I think we all had things adjusted to be as comfortable as possible. From there we were on the Bruce Trail heading south east to The Grotto and our lunch stop.

The Grotto is a large water level cave, that in the summer you can swim from the inside of the cave to Georgian Bay (the outside) thought an under water cave (if you have goggles and fins). The fast boys and girls already cracked open a few stoves and had a hot lunch on the go. A few of us explored the cave by slipping through a hole that leads to a chimney cave passage that leads down to The Grotto. That was fun!.

Our next stop was the rock arch for a few more photos. The next photo opt was at Indian Cove. You got to have a look at the photos! Stephen was leading the way for the final 2.0km to Stormhaven. We arrived at around 3pm. We decided to set up camp on the top of the cliffs in the cover of the woods. Less wind up there than down below by the lake. The tent platform made it easy (flat and level, relatively dry base).

The “Survivorman 3” where now “4” for tonight, under the tarp (Joe, Stanley, Thye, Ash). It’s great way to cut down on carrying the weight of a tent guys. I’ll give you guys bonus marks for that! Well done!. I use a slightly different method. I get Mark Ma to carry the tent and sneak my way into it. Whatever works! Thanks Mark!

Supper was a combination of rice, chocolate bars, dried pepper beef, carrots, beef with noodles stew, chicken noodle soup, hot chocolate and various other things people where feeding me. I got the idea people were unloading their weight before tomorrows hike out.

The evening high points were a toss up, between; 1. Ash checking his boots waterproofness in Georgian Bay, 2 various people trying to dry Ash’s boots felt liners, 3. Stephen’s lemon/sugar/vodka shots, 4.Ash pulling a Corona out of his jacket, and 5. Stephen climbing the bear food storage poles (I’ve been told).

The best line of the night was. “Ahhhh…, what time is it? Ahhhh 6:26pm” or “I’m tired, what time is it? Ahhhh 7:36pm” Ok it’s 8:55pm, that’s it, am heading to the tent. The night was only about -2C. We received about 2 more inches of corn snow overnight. Just deep enough to gather and melt into breakfast water.

For the Sunday hike out we will be heading into the backwoods and hiking along access trails, snowmobile trails, old abandon trails and some Survivorman bushwacking to get back to our cars. What would we do without GPS. Francois lead the way and hit the target within 20 meters. Good straight line bushwacking! Check out the photos and map.

Back at the cars, Stacy discover she had lost her keys after opening the car doors. We checked her clothing, bags, car, and surrounding snow for about an hour with 10 people. CSI has nothing on us!. Anyways, Michelle eagle eyes, spotted them buried in the snow about 2 meters from her rear trunk. For the sake of this historically significant event in Stacy’s life (and ours) a photo reenactment was commissioned to document the moment.

After that event, we drove about a half an hour out of the park and stopped at a greasy spoon for lunch. I’m not sure, but I think Stephen is working there now. I think I even left him a tip for his great service. On the road again, the drive home was slow for the first 2 hours with on and off again snow squalls.

I thing we all had a good time and a few laughs. See you soon. Gary

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