Sat, Oct 14 2017 - McCrae Lake Trail - about 18 km (View Original Event Details)
Event Coordinator(s): | |
Participants: | | Cathy MB, Mark H, Helena, Arnie, Bill B, Bev, Danila, Florin Chelaru, Hani J, Pauline, Wen Yong, César, Dali R | Voluntary Donations: | | $10.00 |
| |
Write Up:
- I can't think of a better hike I have done in Ontario!
(with the possilbe exception of Maple Mountain in Lady Evelyn-
Smoothwater Provincial Park in the Temagami area)
- It rained on the drive to the hike
- It rained on the drive back to the city
- It was cloudy and sunny all thru the hike and warm enough at lunch
time for 1 brave hiker to take a quick swim in the "refreshing" waters
of McCrae Lake
- There were lots of slippery moss and lichen covered boulders to
- There were many fallen logs and trees to hike over and around
- A few hikers slipped/tripped/fell, but there were no injuries
- There were no wasp stings or snake bites as I have heard happened
on other hikes in the area
- Many times along the trail the next blaze was hard to find and we
took a few wrong turns
- To get to our lunch spot on the outcropping of Canadian Shield in
the narrows (aka McCrae Rapids) we
had to scramble down a very challenging slope of boulders, grassy
ledges, and trees growing in the crevices of the boulders
- The "rapids" were less than 2 feet wide
- We just stepped over them
- I have heard that during spring and early summer the rapids can be
waist deep and 20 feet wide
- Bugs? There was 1 unsubstantiated claim of 1 mosquito seen flying
- We started hiking at about 10:15 am
- We got back to the cars at about 4:20 pm
Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at
Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.