Sun, Sep 3 2017 - Hike to view Canadian International Airshow 10 km (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Arnie
Participants:dale, Arnie, Genny, Daniela, Carmen, SarahK, Yuko, Jeff Biteen, tejal, Tatjana, Norma E, Ada W, Cliff L, Aina, Kim H, Bernie K, Sunny, Gihan Ranasinghe, Kaumadhi De Zoysa, Gigi, Susan A, Liz H, Gareth F, Panagiotis, Vana, Devicka, Betty, Marianne, Wing-Yee F, Emily G, Norm, Dean A, Nithiyan
Voluntary Donations:$33.00

Write Up:

What a great day for the hike to the airshow. After a relaxed 6 km hike we arrived at the beach of Budapest Park which is just west of Palais Royale at about 11:40 am. A bunch of us sat on large rocks right at the water's edge. At 12:02 pm a CF-18 Hornet made its appearance, engines roaring. It made several passes along the shoreline for about 20 minutes, many times quite close to us.

Over the next hour, there was an assortment of planes, jets, and a firefighting helicopter with the big water bucket hanging below it. There were single engine biplanes doing loops and other stunts, four jets flying in formation etc.

At 1:21 pm an F-22 Raptor made its appearance, engines roaring even louder than the CF-18. For the next 20 minutes it shook the ground as it zipped past us, went vertical punching up to the base of the clouds, and a few times seemed to hang in the air almost motionless with its nose pointed up at a 35° angle, engines thrusting to perfectly balance against gravity.

Some of the group left at various times during the 1.5 hrs we stayed watching the show. After the F-22 finished, the rest of us headed up through High Park to the subway. 4 of us walked back to Old Mill.

A fun time was had by all. We will have to do it again.

Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.