Sat, Jul 14 2007 - Stream Habitat Creation, BBQ, plus trip to old-fashioned bakery! (View Original Event Details)
This event started with a splash – literally.
We had arrived at the entrance of Woolen Mills Conservation Area, had the round of introductions, and Amy of WeCARE was telling us about the work we would be doing that day. We heard a dog whining and yelping and stopped to investigate. What we found was a dog (a German short-haired pointer, to be precise) in a deserted in-ground swimming pool, front paws on the walkway, struggling in vain to get out of the pool. In short order, the dog was rescued and while it resumed its joyful, reckless galloping around the neighbourhood, we set out to work.
Today’s activities continued the cleanup of this section of the Credit River. About a month prior, a great deal of garbage had already been removed from the river (including two shoulder-high TRACTOR TIRES, for pity’s sake!), but there was still more work to be done. Shannon, Dan, Julius, Justin, Jody, and Amy donned chest-waders (a new experience for all involved, I believe) and started walking down the river. They quickly found a pile of grimy lumber that had been dumped in the area, and began to cut it into pieces that could be removed. (Julius in particular showed great enthusiasm with the saw!) Other trash was also removed – a bucket, a bleach bottle, some other bottles and cans, etc., but for the most part, the lumber was the majority of the day’s haul.
It’s important to note that in a river as small as the Credit River is in this particular location, a truckload of dumped lumber has a significant environmental impact. It would slow down the flow of water, giving the sun time to warm it up even a few degrees that could make it inhabitable for native species of fish and other marine life. Naturally-occurring logs, branches, and rocks, however, were left in the river to provide habitat for some of these species, or in some cases were moved to more optimal locations.
After a barbeque lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs (co-supervised by the incredible Jody), members of the TOC walked a couple of blocks to the incredible Holtom’s Bakery to sample their divine-smelling products. There were also forays into the nearby chocolatier’s and the ice cream parlour before we headed back home.
Another great day and rewarding experience volunteering through the TOC!
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