Wed, Aug 8 2007 - ROM Walk - Cabbagetown (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Jo
Participants:Jo, Kathie B., Debra N, Renee, Kate E, Perkin, Eva, GC, becky, Rosaline, Danielle, Dave M. , Peter S, Bogna Pinkowska, Jessie, Gloria G, Jennifer Hu, Stanley

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Write Up:
This was definitely one of the most interesting ROM walks I've been on. Cabbagetown is not only a historic neighbourhood, but a vibrant, eclectic mix of architecture and inhabitants.

Cabbagetown was originally a small area further south of today's "Cabbagetown". The generally-accepted story of its nickname is that many cabbages were grown in the vegetable gardens of this area. It has historically been one of the less desirable places to live in TO, as it was close to the swampy areas of the Don and considered unhealthy. In the early to mid 20th century, there were industries in the area that created dirt and bad smells. Large parts of the original Cabbagetown (Gerrard/Don River/Parliament/Queen ) were bulldozed after the Second World War, land now covered by the Regent Park Housing Development. North of this area, which is now considered the heart of Cabbagetown, many of the original Victorian homes still stand and have been beautifully restored. We saw quite a few infill buildings that were designed to fit in with the existing historical structures, such as the Owl House Lane and Spruce Lane townhouses. Residents are very proud of their neighbourhood and some fly the Cabbagetown flag - which is like the Canadian flag except green and white and with a cabbage replacing the maple leaf. The greatest attractions of the area include Riverdale Park (with its farm) and the Necropolis, where many famous Canadians are buried.

I (Jo) was not able to go out for drinks afterwards, due to pressing work issues, earning me much ridicule and dare I say, ire, from the group. However, Eva, a local resident and TOC member, promised to guide those who wished to go to a local pub.

All in all, another interesting evening with great company. Kudos to our tour guide who coped graciously with a group of about 45 people. We tend to pick up new members on these events as others on the walk admire our friendly group, and last night was no exception, with several people asking about our club.

Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.