Sat, Oct 20 2007 - Sherman/Tiffamy Falls *Hike & Flight* (View Original Event Details)
Autumn is, in my opinion the best time for a hike. The smell of fresh fallen leaves, a gentle breeze and temperatures just right for mild physical exertion. We couldn’t have asked for better weather for this hike, spot-on perfect autumn day, with just enough clouds in the sky.
We also couldn’t have asked for better scenery. The Dundas Valley Conservation Area in Hamilton afforded us with a wide array of scenery, from lookout points over a valley of fall colours to three waterfalls.
After a brief adventure in car jockeying (walkie-talkies would be good for such an enterprise) we started our one-way hike of 16km. We found a perfect lunch spot at the Trail Centre, a historic train station with two old rail cars on display. Location, washrooms, picnic tables, and a snack bar, comradery, all you need for a perfect hiking lunch.
While waiting for a long train to pass we contemplated the life of a boxcar hobo riding the rails across the continent. The train was going slow enough for one to hitch a ride...
It was with great relief to the crew when we finally ascended the final hill and returned to our cars we had dropped off. We had even completed the hike with just enough time to visit the Warplane Museum as planned. The majority of the group returned home to Toronto after a rewarding hiking experience, while the minority reported for duty at the Hamilton Airport.
Kate, Andrew F, Andrew, Jessie, and myself (Justin) arrived at the museum 40 minutes before closing, and we were granted free admission, being so late in the day.
To finish out the day we had dinner at the Judge and Jury pub in Burlington, which had excellent food and atmosphere. Another full day of TOC fun.
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