Fri, Aug 1 2014 - Hike For A Milkshake (10 KM) (View Original Event Details)
With the threat of a thunderstorm looming and downpours reported in other parts of the city, it was refreshing to have great weather for this hike. The eager hikers completed this hike with gusto, in no small part due to the waiting reward of milkshakes or a pint at the end of the trail. After a stroll through High Park and along the waterfront (notably being prepared for Carabana festivities), a quick jaunt up Strachan an through Trinty Bellwoods Park, we made our way to The Lakeview Restaurant and were treated to some very large portions of milkshake. Each serving was a little over a litre! The shakes were thick and creamy and had many options including adding malt, or a pie IN the milkshake. The wait staff was able to fit the entire group around a single circular table, which was perfect for inclusive group convesations. Thank you to all who were able to show up, even with the impending possiblity of rain. Cheers!
Donations collected $14
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