Mon, Sep 1 2014 - Labour Day Hike at Long Sault Conservation Area (View Original Event Details)
After a late cancellation and one no show, the group of 10 left Kennedy Station at 9:00am. Upon arriving at Long Sault at 10am, we met up with 2 more participants and 'Raven' the dog. After a short briefing and a review of the plan, we set off to the west to tackle the Barred Owl Trail, the Wild Turkey Trail and the Eastern Bluebird Trail. The weather, although very humid and very misty, was quite nice for hiking; we were very pleased to discover that bug spray was not necessary. The first 3 trails were great hiking; wide trail, lots of roots, some hilly sections, and forest-covered. It was beautiful. The first 3 trails were 9.1km in total, and we then went back to the parking area to enjoy our lunch around the picnic table. After lunch, we headed east to cover the White-tailed deer trail and the Cottontail Rabbit trail. These trails were slightly easier, had more sandy areas and one large section around the power lines was much more open and exposed to the elements - luckily, the sun was shining and it was beautiful when we reached this section. By the end of the 5 loops, we covered a total distance of 16.8km, 1.2 km shy of the literature. Average speed was 4.8km/hour. Special thanks go to our drivers as we all know that these hikes could not happen without them. $10 was collected in voluntary donations.
Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.