Sat, Feb 1 2014 - X-C Ski, Snowshow or Toboggan at Albion Hills (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Linda D
Participants:Linda D, Calista L, Tatiana G.
Voluntary Donations:$8.00

Write Up:
By the time the day arrived, the group was down to a hardy 3 person team, others noting the forecasts of stormy weather as the reason for dropping out. Indeed it snowed. We skied together for a portion of the day and had a relaxed lunch. After a bit of afternoon skiing, the snow was coming down more heavily but we decided to do a ceremonial run down the toboggan hill. Although it was a great ride, the increasing snow fall prompted us to head home. It was agreed that although the trail system isn’t extensive, Albion is close to the city that it makes it worthwhile. Thanks for driving David. Thanks to Tatjana for the details for borscht preparation and curative powers of vodka!

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