Sat, Aug 17 2013 - Broadview Station to Ashbridge's Bay Beach (View Original Event Details)
There were five of us on this morning's hike. The temperature was perfect, about 19C when we left at 9 AM, and about 21C when we finished at Noon. We walked at a good pace until we found something interesting and then we stopped to explore. We found an apple tree bearing apples with red flesh, unusual but very tasty.
At Ashbridges Bay there was a regatta, a series of boat races, and when they were over, the sail boats paraded with their colourful sails... very striking.
We had a lunch / snack break on one of the private beaches and were entertained by various ducks & gueese trying to dive for food but they were too buoyant, so, their feet were beating a rhythm in mid air.
Thank you for coming out on this hike. $4.00 was collected in voluntary donations.
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