Sun, Jul 7 2013 - Rattlesnake Point to Crawford Lake (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Jessie, Wolfram
Participants:Jessie, Wolfram, Momo, Arnie, Ashraf, mahdi, norman sung, Carlos R., Ania, Rocio M
Voluntary Donations:$18.00

Write Up:
We started our hike with only a small delay (sorry Arnie, for keeping you waiting), and finished the easy stroll to Crawford Lake and back in about 4 hours, while taking a slightly different return route along the creek in the bottom of the canyon. We then hung around a little bit longer at Rattlesnake Point to either relax and enjoy the view, or look for fun scrambles up and down the cliff. On the way back home, one of the cars made a stop for beer and snacks, and everyone was brought up to date on the latest celebrity gossip.

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