Fri, Feb 16 2007 - Supper and Pool at the Rivoli (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Jim O
Participants:Jim O, Shelly Rahme, Julian L, Rose, jamie

Write Up:
Five of us met up for supper and pool at the Rivoli. We ate upstairs, on the level where the pool tables are located. While the upstairs location was a bit crowded and noisy, the food was tasty and the conversations that ensued were playful, lively, and even occasionally insightful. As it turns out, Michelle is an artist (she produces sculptures), and Jim O enjoyed talking with her about art theory and the purpose/significance of her work. Check out her website: Once we were done with supper, we quickly transformed ourselves into pool players. Julian and Rose were fairly new to the sport, but they nevertheless seemed to have a good time. Michelle was slightly more experienced. Jamie was the most stylish of the players, though his style did not always translate into substance and achievement. Later in the evening, after Julian and Jamie had departed, Michelle, Rose and Jim O went to the Communist’s Daughter, where they engaged in more conversation.

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