Tue, May 29 2012 - Becoming a TOC Volunteer - Info Session (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Erik S
Participants:Esther K, Ghanesh, Erik S, Christine B, Alina, Miku L, Jennifer M, Roman M, KenH

Write Up:

The Event Coordinator posted no write-up for this event.

Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at photos@torontooutdoorclub.com. Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.