Sun, Apr 1 2012 - Brampton Walking Group - Claireville Conservation Area (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Alison
Participants:Kathy, Diana Cardoni, cherryl d'mello, Alison, Nabhan, Evelyn, Tanja, Poorna
Voluntary Donations:$6.00

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Donations: $6

A strong-hearted group of Bramptonites (including Tanya even though she's from Toronto) braved the sleet that the last gasp of winter threw at us, and enjoyed an 8km hike through the Claireville Conservation Area. Not many people out on a Sunday morning - just us and the dog walkers... There were a number of first time members, so welcome to Evelyn, Cherryl and Poorna - I hope we gave you a good introduction to the TOC and that you'll be back out on the trails with us again. Nabhan bravely tackled the event alone, about 30 minutes behind the main group - kudos to him for sticking it out when he could have easily said 'Nah, I'll head home'... A few group members headed over to the local Tim's for a welcome hot beverage after we were done walking; always a very pleasant way to finish of an event by spending some time to get to know our fellow hikers a bit better.

Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.