Sat, Nov 11 2006 - Hilton Falls Side Trail (View Original Event Details)
Sure, the sky was a little overcast, but that wasn't about to stop this group!
We headed out to the Hilton Falls Conservation Area and quickly found the Bruce Trail's Hilton Falls Side Trail. We weaved in and out of forest (generally over paths of various stones and rocks), past some beaver ponds (we saw a beaver dam as well as a lodge, but sadly, no beavers....) and several small rapids, as well as cutting along fire roads, until we came to Hilton Falls. We stopped to look at what remained of the old mill and then went down to the bottom to check out the falls.
Shortly afterwards we passed a glacial pothole (for those who have never seen one, they're perfectly round potholes (surprisingly enough!) carved into the limestone when the glaciers retreated by swirling debris. We continued through the woods, coming out to some more fire road before cutting back into the woods. At the reservoir, we had a quick stop on top of the escarpment when Dave noticed that one of the fissures in the rock, while completely covered on top in places, came out a short distance away. So we explored! We climbed down and 'caved' (covered by the rock as we were) and at the end, Dave, Lydia, Jenn, Min, and Linda climbed out up to the top (using techniques similar to those to navigate chimneys (mountain chimneys, not house ones) to get up. It was great!
While it had started to rain, the group continued along the top of the escarpment, climbing one stile (!), and meeting up with the main Bruce Trail We came out to a field which was supposed to be a lookout with 'sweeping views of Kelso, Milton and Halton'....well, we could see the 401! We had lunch here before heading back, with one more adventure in the fissures of the escarpment along the way. (There is some talk of organizing an event to just play around in these)
After the hike, Lydia, Linda, Dave, Gerry and Jenn met up with Jason (El Rey) and Rhonda (COC, in town for the World RockPaperScissors Championship) for some food and drinks. Lydia impressed everyone when her chicken came, and Gerry got a good meal (after a late sandwich on the trail).
It was a great hike, with a great group of TOCers! Thanks so much to everyone who came, and to the drivers - Michelle, Gerry and Linda.
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