Sat, Nov 27 2010 - Cavalcade of Lights: skating, entertainment & fireworks (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Linda D
Participants:Linda D, Anthony Steadman, Helen, Anna S, David B, Bonnie, Chuck F, Greg P, markymark, Linda C, Graham, Jurgen

Write Up:
It was a relatively warm night which likely contributed to the size of the crowds at the square. Chuck and Jurgen, who were meeting the rest of the group at the event, spent the evening on the ice skating while most of the others watched the evenings events from a more solid footing. Only the tallest members of the group could actually see the entertainers. The fireworks, however, were visable to all and drew appreciative oohs and aahs from the crowd. Shortly after the fireworks, we headed our own ways.

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