Sun, Jan 31 2010 - The Ice Orchestra at WinterCity (View Original Event Details)
Instruments made out of ice!
This is the interesting concept that brought a group of us together to listen to the Ice Orchestra, at WinterCity, at Nathan Phillips Square.
We arrived at the downtown square a bit early, so were able to watch another outdoor show in progress -- aerial artists. They were dancing, suspended in mid-air, against a background of projected images on a huge vertical stage. Their movements were choreographed to music, and were graceful as they moved around.
As soon as the aerial show ended, our big event -- the ice orchestra -- began. Many of us were curious about what instruments could actually be made out of ice; we discovered quickly what was possible. The equivalents of vertical and horizontal xylophones were the majority of instruments, made from large cylinder blocks of ice.
The sounds were amazing. Many of us didn't think that ice could make that kind of music! After starting with the xylophones, added to the ice instruments were singing bowls (which when added on top of an ice block, made funky vibrating sounds), and surprisingly, a blowtorch! The blowtorch was placed inside of a hollow cylinder of ice, which caused a quick melting, and an eerily haunting sound.
The music was beautiful, but it felt like the musical performance was far too short! Many of us would have loved to hear a much longer performance from the ice orchestra.
Since we were gathered on a very chilly night, once the ice orchestra finished playing, most of us wanted to warm up. We took advantage of warming stations at the square, walked around to observe at the fire scupltures that were part of the winter festival. Soon, we decided that we really wanted to warm up with coffee and hot chocolate. The group adjourned to a nearby Tim Horton's for conversation, warmth, and laughter.
A few hours after we gathered, the group dispersed, ready to start the work week.
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