Sat, Dec 12 2009 - Hilton Falls Side Trail (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Simon Pauze
Participants:Sushank, Pauline M, Simon Pauze, Aria K, Anita Block, Katherine, Sergey T, bj, MorganJ, Karen H, lynn, Ashraf

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Write Up:
Sunny Winter skies greeted us at Hilton Falls Saturday as we enjoyed a great hike through the Conservation lands. We started out towards the falls, using a combination of the Bruce side trails and the HRCA trails. The walk along the ridge was great, with the creek down below. Once at the falls, we got to observe the start of the transition to winter as there was already ice build-up at the bottom of the falls. Continuing our walk, we noticed many animal tracks through the snow. The Bruce side trail was our chosen route for the next portion, and it took us past many fantastic views of the creek and marshes.

We stopped and had lunch at the top end of the Beaver Dam loop, and we're amazed when a cyclist passed us. The popular concensus was that given the 5cms of snow, it would have been easier walking. But, I guess everyone has to chose their own method of travel.

Following a few misadventures, including one of the most suspect bridges I've ever crossed, we made it back to the falls. We decided to take an easier route back to the parking lot, and used the HRCA trails for the balance of the day. We stopped in at the Visitor centre, and admired the birds at the feeder, before we piled into the vehicles for the ride home.

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