Sat, May 9 2009 - Bruce Trail - Hilton Falls to Limehouse (View Original Event Details)
The sky was full of dark clouds, it was raining dogs and cats, huge block ices were falling down. It was the perfect day to prove ourselves that we are Weather-Proof hikers!!!! The weather could not stop us. We started a Hilton Falls conservation area and not more than 5 minutes after starting the hike; just when Ghanesh mentioned that it will not rain, the mother of all rains started!!! We got completely wet, then we got dry, then wet again and the cycle continued that way all day long.
Manon and Gary (also know as Erick) explored some of the caves formed by the escarpment. Unfortunately, they did not find a safe way to cross over. This time Elaine was able to get exact kilometres hiked and remaining every 5 minutes (Thanks Gary for the GPS). Rubi was looking all the time for Natalie, that is love.
The intrepid Misty was guiding us all the day, she knows how to read perfectly the markers, even when they are not in the trail, but from time to time she escaped looking for a squirrel, a racoon or other non-identified animal, fortunately for her we were not in the bear county.
We enjoyed lunch, after crossing the huge bridge at the Dufferin Quarry, a perfect spot with a couple of benchs that we discovered in a hike last year. It was sunny, the guy in charge of the rain was lunching too, and 2 seconds after we finished, the rain came back.
Fortunately the group was paying attention to the markers because the two coordinators were just chatting and following the wrong trail, of course we always will claim that we were trying to get lost on purpose just to test Gary’s GPS :-)
We found hundreds of Trilliums, Geraldine managed to find a couple of pink/purples one. Following all TOC hiking traditions we managed to split (yes a group of 7 can be split in a group of 4 in the tail and 3 in the head). Do not ask how, but the guy with the GPS get lost looking for a hole in the wall (the first issue was to find the wall), a search-rescue team was assembled by the guy with the map (also know as George), fortunately we find them. And take the chance to make a preview of the next hike exploring the ruins of a Limehouse.
After the hike we enjoyed a great beer and a huge dinner in Milton
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