Sun, Jul 9 2006 - Caledon Rail Trail Bike (View Original Event Details)
We met at the Terra Cotta entrance to the Caledon Rail Trail, which was easy because you can park your car right along the road. We started off on the trail and went past the historic brickworks, which was built during the second world war according to Grant, who is a "local" and has done the trail before. The trail was mainly hardpacked limestone, but had a few rocky, uneven patches just to keep us on our toes. We travelled through some wetlands, farmland and some forest. The scenery and conversation were both great. Turns out Jim and Alan were at Dalhousie at the same time. Grant was giving us the ins and outs of his hiking and rapelling adventures. We biked for about an hour and twenty minutes before turning around. Those last few kilometres were tough, but at the end we were all really glad we had made it. This is definitely a ride that TOC will be doing again! When the colours start to change, this ride will be really spectacular.
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