Sun, Jun 18 2006 - Sherman Falls (Tiffany Falls), Hamilton area (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Beni Hana
Participants:Jo, Beni Hana, skipal, Brent, Esther, Christian, Lourita, Mihal

Write Up:
What a day!! For my first event this went pretty well with a few minor mishaps! I arrived at the Car Pool early expecting to see the other group and found no one. I double checked my location and noticed I was where I was suppose to be. I waited for a while and noticed the other coordinator of the day, Mihal, come to talk to me. Apparently her group had not showed up at all. After most of my group showed up we invited Mihal to join us since she was already there ready for a hike. We took care of the usual business and headed off to the Hike site. We met Brent and Lourita at the site and where ready for a long hot day in the wilderness. We started off by viewing Sherman Falls just a few steps from the parking area, just the side of a gravel road. The Falls where superb to look at as there where different textures to them as well as different rock layers. Jo wasted no time educating me on the nature of the rock formation. This is where the day started to take a turn of intrigue. I looked at my very colorful map and decided to take the road we saw and found a very rocky, hilly narrow trail that turned out to be a very good exercise for the day. We hiked for a while and passed the path for Tiffany Falls. We kept going and ended up after about two hours passing over the 403. OOOPPPP!! It turns out I took the wrong path and the Tiffany Falls path should have been our clue. We decided to head back and have lunch at Tiffany Falls. We ended at the trailhead and found the trail was closed. However, the day was saved by one of the Bruce Trail workers who told we could still go and visit. So we did and had lunch at the foot of Tiffany Falls. This was another super sight with lock of great rock layers and formations to feast our eyes on as we filled our hungry stomachs. We then ended up going back to Sherman Falls to take up the correct route and end the day off with a nice and easy trails devoid of any obstructions and very wide for lots of socializing. Of course this also meant that Esther and Lourita teased me the whole way about not being very good at reading my colorful map, all for fun of course. Over all, we had some problems with navigation, but over all we had a great day, having heard some positive groans from the group. Another Hike we need to redo sometime later in the year.

Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.