Sun, Sep 10 2006 - Quarterly Volunteer Meeting (View Original Event Details)
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Once upon a time, five TOC members sat and ate tasty treats at Demetre's and talked about the club. And now, less than a year later, 17 volunteers crowded a long and loud table at The Madison while we attempted to run some sort of agenda. And we also had a few volunteers that sent their regrets. I don't know where we'll be for the next quarterly meeting! We'll have to rent a hall!
The meeting was held at The Madison, for the first and only time, as Erik and I were checking out the place where we'll be holding our Annual General Meeting at the end of October. So the meeting started with a big push to get everyone signed up for a great party - we'll have awards, slide shows, food, booze - a real celebration. Should be a great time.
We welcomed all the new volunteers, two of whom joined up after our first volunteer info night. Rob, our newest volunteer, was surprised that not only his former roommate David was a volunteer, but went to university with Jim. Both told me not to believe any stories told by the other. I can't wait to hear all the gossip!
Jo chaired the meeting, and Erik, Hassan and Deb talked about their areas of interest (finances, safety and training and our newsletter). Coco and Cynthia took pictures, of course. Then Jason, our promoman, revealed the new TOC t-shirts and a line promptly formed to pick up a shirt or two. Poor Mihal may have to use it as a night shirt, since we don't have any extra extra small, but she still seemed very jazzed to own one. They look sharp! Check out our photos as we model them. Jenn P got her free shirt for this years winning design.
the evening got louder and the meeting broke up into a social gathering as it's one of the few times all of us get into one place. I think everyone is looking forward to a volunteer weekend where we can really spend some time together.
Definately one of the best parts of being a volunteer with the TOC is the great team you get to work with. It''s easy to be a volunteer, come out to one of our bimonthly volunteer info nights (the next one will be held in October), or if you absolutely have a great idea that just can't wait, email Jo or myself at We'd love to hear from you!
Steph, president and volunteer wrangler...Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Erik Sonstenes at Please note that we prefer to receive the photos in approximately 640x480 or 750x500 pixels - do NOT send original high-res photos. If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to twenty of your favorites (only) for a day event, or up to forty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.