Sat, Nov 22 2008 - Silver Creek and Scotsdale Farm (View Original Event Details)
After meeting everyone at the car pool and welcoming new member Megan to her first ever TOC event, we were all off to the trail head at Scottsdale Farm. We were all eager to get started soon as we all arrived as it was a chilly -2 morning. We started at the south end of the Bennett Heritage Trail going through and exploring Scottdale farm and then soon linked up to the main Bruce trail. It was quite a beautiful scene as the trails and surrounding landscapes were still stunningly white, covered with the year's first snow fall from earlier in the week. Some were even inspired and may have felt like getting into a holiday like sprit.
The trails started of easy enough and then later provided some moderate challenges as the terrain made consistent and sometimes dramatic scenic changes. Starting with country roads, we steadily moved to the ice and snow covered pastures before encountering some slightly steep hillsides and got into a few rocky stretches that proved some challenges that required some steady foot work.
As I wasn't too too familiar with all the trails, we some how ended up going south on the Bruce Trail, instead of north as I had intended. Nevertheless, we ended up exploring the Duff Pitt Side Trail where we found our selves challenged with a short creek crossing. Good news is we had no major mishaps. Even as Grace's foot dropped into the shallow water, dry socks were soon available via Shannon preparedness to help replace her wet ones. After getting back to the main Bruce trail, a few of us went back to the cars to nurse and warm up their cold and slightly blistered feet as the rest moved on to complete my originally planned route ... before I got us 'lost'. As we went north, we encountered even more scenic snow covered hillsides, rocky stretches and also a portion of the Silver Creek. The trail eventually met up with the northern portion of Bennett Heritage Trail which led us back to our cars.
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