Sun, Sep 7 2008 - Terra Cotta Loop (View Original Event Details)
The weather was different then expected. It rained for the whole hike. Everyone had a great time still as the forest was beautiful. Kate's group blew by us on our return to the cars. I think they were well above the trail's speed limit but there were no Forest Rangers to give them a ticket. We did see a chipmunk and heard many birds. We were all disappointed in the absent of larger animals. More interesting was that I never could figure out where we were on the Trail Map. We end up doing the robert's side trail of the main Bruce Trail. We probably did about 7 km but in the slippery mud felt like a lot more. On reviewing the maps I realize we did not do the Terracota double loop. We went west form the 10th line and the loops are east of the 10th line. I hope they do not fire me as a coordinator. Thanks to all for the fun.
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