Sun, May 14 2006 - Cherry Beach and Distillery District (View Original Event Details)
It wasn't quite beach weather yet as several humans felt seriously underdressed for the wind and colder than expected temperatures. I felt like I was doing this dog rompering activity in stages - first it was Frank & Riplee, the energetic Airedale Terrier. Loves to fetch balls, regardless of where they came from. So many dogs, so little time to play with them all - Frank had to keep backtracking to urge Riplee to keep walking. Riplee and Rocky did some good bumping and playing and teeth gnashing and made plans to do it all again. Then Gerry showed up just as Frank had to leave - Gerry didn't have a dog, but enjoyed seeing the variety of dog breeds and mixes that come out to Cherry Beach on a Sunday morning. Rocky took a bit of breather while we waited for the three girls - Alana, Gigi and Bear to show up. We all took one last run around the park, a dip in the lake (it was too windy and choppy for good swimming) and then, dirty, sandy and full of woodchips, we loaded up into our cars and went for a little walk around the Distillery. We watched a fantastic kids' group perform on the steel drums, but there was no market happening yet. We'll have to do this one again when the summer weather *finally* gets here. At least everyone's dogs had a good night's sleep!!!
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