Sun, Mar 26 2006 - Greenwood Conservation Area (View Original Event Details)
What an absolutely beautiful day for a hike! Everyone showed up at the carpool with big smiles because of the sunshine. At first Greenwood looked a little disappointing, until we figured out the way down to the Duffins Creek trail. The spring waters were still high, but Rocky tested the waters and found they were just right for splashing in. He tried to share the water by shaking off near a body, any body will do. Chris kept us entertained with his jokes and funny stories, Tricia gave Rocky a good game of tug of war. Marie was relieved that she didn't have to bundle up against the cold but both her and Tracey decided it needed to get a whole lot warmer before they 'd be truly happy! All in all it was a great day, the hiking was easy and the only thing that would have made it better is if the washrooms had been open. As I left our intrepid group in the parking lot, Chris decided there was plenty of time for more outdoor fun and was trying to convince Marie and Tracey to go down to the beaches. I don't know if he was successful, but I p[romised that the next hikes will be longer and more challenging!
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