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20-Smackers Annual Social Night (2/1/2014)

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page.

You are STRONGLY encouraged to read this page in its entirety before signing up. If you'd like to attend, we ask that you abide by our rules and procedures as a time/cost saving process (with an end result of keeping membership free and lower cost events).

The Basics:
Event Type:Social
Event Location: Chalker's Bistro - Marlee & Glencairn
Date(s) & Time:Sat, Feb 1 2014  6:00 PM
Registration Cut Off: Fri, Jan 31 2014 4:30:00 PM
Event Duration:5-6 hours
Difficulty Rating:D1: Easy
Event Coordinator(s): Erik S
You must be logged in to get the Event Coordinator contact information.
Member Cost:Voluntary Donation Only (See Below)

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, All Ages Welcome
Maximum Group Size:70
Minimum Group Size:2
Number Registered So Far: 12 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: No


Always fumbling for change for donations at TOC events? Do you wonder if you've contributed your 20 bucks by mid-year, but feel too guilty to stop donating at events? Well, here's your chance to pay up once and never have to dig for toonies again!

The Toronto Outdoor Club exists because of your $2 donations. Every toonie we get from you goes directly back into the club, from maintaining the website, to hosting those photographs, to paying for space and food at the annual picnic and general meetings. And we'd like your $2 to go farther - promotional items and prizes to give away, first aid kits, providing bigger and better activities for our members. However, you need only donate a MAXIMUM of $20 per year. We don't keep track of who donates what... so it's up to you to know when you've hit your maximum. For many members, they find it easier to hand over a fresh $20 bill at the beginning of each year.

Here's YOUR chance... Come on out for your first 2014 social event, play some pool (we have free pool tables until 10:00pm), hand over your 20 smackeroos, get a cool 2014 TOC badge for your jacket or backpack, and you're done - guilt-free until the end of the year! You'll also be giving the club a boost in its coffers, so we'll have some extra money early on and we can plan what fun stuff to do with it in the coming year. Use this opportunity to bring along a non-member and introduce them to the pleasures of being a TOC member and all that that entails. It's win-win all around!

On a more serious note: As the event is being held in a licensed venue we ask that you be responsible and not drink and drive. Let's make sure our start to the New Year kicks off a great year for everyone!

Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.
  • $20 bill (we will take $5's and $10's if need be)

How to Get There:
Event Directions:

  • TTC:
    1. Take University line to Glencairn Station
    2. Take south exit from Glencairn, turn right on Viewmount and walk about 300m
    3. Turn left on Marlee and walk about 2 blocks
  • Car from 401:
    1. Head south on Allen Expressway
    2. Exit at Lawrence Ave
    3. Turn right at the top of the ramp and IMMEDIATELY get in the left lane
    4. Turn left at the traffic light, onto Marlee and drive approx 2 km
  • Chalkers will be on your left, upstairs in the shopping plaza - look for the Chalkers sign over the parking lot
  • There is limited parking at the plaza; there is some parking on local side streets but it is recommended that you come by TTC (Please don't drink and drive).

View Larger Map


- We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines at all times while participating in TOC events.
- Details of this event are subject to undergo a change at any point in time, with or without warning.
- Questions about equipment or rentals? Send them to
- Notice any errors or problems in the information on this page? Please notify our Content Editor(s), Stacy, at

Voluntary Donation:What is this?)
Suggested donation amount for this event is: $20.00/Person.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:
Please review our Cancellation Policy carefully!