Sat, Sep 28 2013 - Explore Marsh + Farmer's Market at Brickworks -10.5 K, 4.5 kph (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Elizabeth D
Participants:erin k, Dana LK, Heather A, Elizabeth D, Rafil J
Voluntary Donations:$8.00

Write Up:

There were five people on todays hike. The temperature was perfect 20C and sunny.

An apple tree on the beltline provided us with a snack. It was similar to a mackintosh. Later we found a second apple tree but it was more like a russet, only more mottled. It tasted good, too.

We found a wolly bear caterpillar (orange & black). Looking up the lifecycle, it will overwinter under bark or inside cavities of rock or logs. It often may freeze solid. When it thaws out in the spring, it will produce a cocoon. 10 to 16 days later, it will emerge as a yellowish-orange adult Isabella tiger moth. They only live a couple of weeks; enough time to lay eggs. The wolly bear caterpillar emerges from the egg in late September.

At the brickworks marsh pond there fish jumping, and a turtle swimming. There were some milkweed seed pods ready for harvesting. The silky part attached to the seeds can be used to help start a fire in challenging conditions.

Someone asked about Milkman's Lane. The first official record is in 1881. It was used to "carry goods and other things". Milkman's Lane connects to other trails... "lanes", so the goods could come from anywhere.

We were wondering about the Hawthorn Gardens sign... it appears to be a road servicing six homes and hard to find.

$8.00 was collected in voluntary donations.

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